How to master social media marketing


Most people naturally know that leveraging social media is a smart idea when they first start a home-based business. That goes without saying. 


What happens more often than not is one of 2 things: 


  1. They come into their business excited and ready to change their life, so they immediately launch into “Company X this….” and “Company X that….”  and “Buy my stuff! Join my team!” 


  2. They come into their businesses fearful and terrified of judgment, so they don’t take any action at all on social media. 


Sadly, the result of both scenarios is usually the same – a slow start and a loss of confidence in their future as an entrepreneur. In scenario 1, everyone in their network has raised their resistance and is on guard, waiting for the private message where their friend tries to sell them something. In scenario 2, nobody has any idea they’re open for business at all and therefore, their business remains closed. 


What’s even more concerning is that many people’s uplines (the leaders ahead of them in their company) built their businesses on social media algorithms that don’t work anymore. They grew when all it took was throwing out a before/after post once a week or simply spam adding everyone they knew to private groups (usually without their permission), and watching the sales roll in. 


Social media algorithms don’t allow these tactics anymore. Frankly, the general public is sick of them as well, and won’t allow them either. 


“ The truth is that it’s time to evolve. And the professional approach relies on curiosity and attraction marketing “ 


Attraction Marketing - What’s the deal? 


Attraction marketing relies on four very simple strategies: 


  1. Identify a prime prospect or ideal client for every point of communication on social media (posts, videos, stories, etc). 

  2. Address that prime prospect’s pain and frustration points. 

  3. Communicate the benefits of a product or business you have to offer (NOT the features, the prices, or even the name of it). 

  4. Create a sense of curiosity that will have your prime prospect raising their hand to learn more. 


If you’re not familiar with the concept of a prime prospect or ideal client, you can learn more here. But essentially, you first need to accept that if you are talking to’re talking to no one. This can be difficult for people to wrap their heads around at first because their company probably teaches them that their product is for everyone. 


Everyone can benefit from essential oils - talk to everyone! 

Everyone wants to live a healthier life - talk to everyone! 

Everyone has skin - talk to everyone! 


Although this is generically true, it will not serve you well in business. When you are writing a post, doing a live video, or sharing a story you want the person watching your content to think “Oh my gosh that’s me” or “Wow, it’s like she’s in my head!” or “Yes. Yes. and YES to that!” and you absolutely DON’T want them thinking “Oh boy, here’s Jane Doe trying to sell me something again. Ugh” 

That’s how the dreaded unfollow happens. Let’s avoid that shall we? 

 “ If you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one “


How to Market Instead of Sell  

Remember the 4 steps from earlier? Let’s look at an example:  

  1. Speak to prime prospect 

  2. Address pain/frustration points 

  3. Communicate benefits 

  4. Create curiosity 


Selling Example (Wrong)

  1. Everyone can benefit from essential oils!! Have you tried them yet?!?! 

  2. Essential oils are so good for you and you should really use them if you’re not already. 

  3. Company X Peppermint oil is on sale right now for only $12 a bottle!!! 

  4. I’m placing an order tonight so let me know if you want to get in on it! <3 

Marketing Example (Right)

  1. Where are my bakers at? I found an amazing trick to make the freshest, tastiest cookies ever this past weekend. I baked them with my daughter and it was so much fun because at her age, it’s the perfect thing to do to fill a Sunday afternoon. Any other moms of tweens into baking like us? 

  2. We made this amazing recipe for spearmint chocolate chip cookies that were soft and chewy and even helped my clogged sinuses to open up!  

  3. I slept through the night for the first time in a week (finally!). Now my daughter wants to bring them to school for her bake sale next week which is perfect because they were so easy to make.  

  4. If you’re interested in the recipe, comment below or message me and I’ll send it your way. 


Do you notice the difference? Posts that are marketed well will generally lead to multiple people liking or commenting asking for more info on whatever it is that you’re marketing. The longer you build your personal brand and build your know/like/trust factor, the more comments and more engagement you’ll get! 


And guess what happens to posts that get lots of likes and comments? They get viewed by more people….which leads to more likes and comments…..which gets it in front of even MORE people. Feed the algorithm and it will feed your business! 

 “ Feed the algorithm and it will feed your business “


If you’d like to become a master at attraction marketing on Facebook, click here to learn more. 

If you’d like to dominate with attraction marketing on Instagram, click here to learn more. 

If you’d like to get streams of red hot leads and sales on Twitter, click here to learn more. 


Avoid these Top No-Nos 

  • Don’t list your company name on your social media profile. It RUINS curiosity! 

  • Don’t mention your company or product name in your posts. It RUINS curiosity and raises resistance! 

  • Don’t write posts to everyone and hope that someone notices it. This basically guarantees that it will get ignored. 

  • Don’t view common objections and problems that people have as a bad thing. Addressing pain and frustration points adds value to them and grows your business! 

  • Don’t list the features and prices of the product or service you are promoting. It immediately makes someone feel like you are trying to sell them something. 

  • Don’t make more than 20% of your posts related to your products or business opportunity. 

  • Don’t try to tackle every social media platform at once! 

  • Don’t try to master your attraction marketing skills on a brand new social platform. 

Pace Yourself  

If you’re realizing that this is exactly what you’ve been looking for and you’re ready to charge off and dominate social media, SLOW DOWN. I strongly recommend mastering your techniques on one social media platform before you branch off into others. Maintaining multiple social accounts can be time consuming, and each one operates differently. 


Facebook is all about likes, comments, and engagement and people usually don’t make connections there unless they are actually friends or at a minimum have multiple friends in common. Facebook will actually reduce post visibility for posts that contain links. They want people on Facebook to stay on Facebook, and shares are the most valuable action followed by comments. Facebook definitely falls square into the warm market category for these reasons. 


Instagram also values engagement but literally won’t allow links to be shared anywhere other than in the one website link in your profile. Sharing isn’t an action in Instagram so it’s all about comment engagement, and the audience there is accustomed to visiting your profile to see if they want to follow you or click your link. So your profile is key, and so is daily posting! I view Instagram as a blend of warm and cold market, but I’d say it skews to the cold market side more than facebook because it’s entirely likely that someone could follow you simply because of a hashtag you use - and they don’t know you at all! 


Twitter is fast paced and many people are there specifically to research and buy (along with being entertained). Links are allowed and even encouraged. The feed refreshes so fast that it’s more important to post regularly than it is to get high engagement on each and every post. Additionally, posts on Twitter are character limited so it’s hard to tell stories here. Of the three platforms mentioned in this article, Twitter definitely falls into the cold market category partly because of follows from hashtag usage and partly because of the way traffic moves through the feed. 


I recommend choosing the platform that you have the largest warm market with to hone your attraction marketing skills. Your warm market knows you best and will be more likely to respond to value based posts that you make.  

Additionally, if you’ve broken many of the top no-no’s above and need to start over with branding yourself better, it can take time. Be patient! If you’re not familiar with the differences between how to treat your warm market vs. cold market, who to target on each platform, and how to build a personal brand and attract people to talk to, click here to learn more. 


Happy business building!