Top 5 Social Media Message Tips for Business

Top 5 Social Media MESSAGE Tips for Business.png

How would you like every single message or conversation that you start on social to actually lead somewhere, whether it's generating a lead, identifying a prospect, or driving someone into a challenge group or an email list or a sales funnel?

If every message was that much more effective for you, would that change how much time you spend on your business? I'm guessing it would.

In this blog post, I'm going to share with you the top four goals for any message you send on any social media platform, and the number one mistake you absolutely cannot make or it's going to destroy all of the hard work that you just did! If you want your messages and your networking to be more effective, read through to the end, because not only will I take you through all of the four tips and the one mistake…..

But I’ll also give you a nice little summary slide of exactly what you should and shouldn't be using messages for, and I'm going to include a link to a free PDF guide where it'll break down not just messages but everything from posts, to messages, to Facebook groups, to challenge groups, webinars, funnels, you name it.

Anything that you could use social media for or to drive people into an ultimate sale, this PDF guide is going to have everything that you need. So be sure to stick around to the end for that!

When I was new in business, I was told that I just had to reach out and talk to people, talk to everyone! And I was told to just make them an offer, whether it's to buy a product on sale, or to join your business.

It worked for a few months, but then backfired on me horribly!

Pretty soon nobody would talk to me through messages, even if I wasn't even trying to talk about business. So if you've felt this pain in your business, chances are you just simply didn't know the top four goals that I'm going to share with you today, and you definitely didn't know about the one mistake, and chances are you were making it just like I was.

The days of sending copy and paste messages to your network are OVER

If you are working with a company where they're telling you to just message your link to people, or message everyone you know with a copy and paste message - no, no, no! You're going to feel a lot of pain if you try to do things that way, and I'm here to try to save you some pain. So let's jump right into what actually does work and what those goals are.


With any social media message you send, whether it's through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter- or ANY other platform - is going to be the same. If you're sending a message to someone through social, you simply build some trust with that person. You want them to feel like they can safely talk to you without you trying to pitch them right away. So build some trust, let them know who you are, just be a real human and talk to them.

Figure out what's going on in their life, and make real friends. I think people get so focused on trying to do business on social that they forget to be a real human. So first and foremost, be a human, have a conversation, get to know a person for the person that they are. Don't just look at them as a sale.

People get so focused on trying to make a sale, that they forget to just be a human!


When sending messages and connecting with people on social you want to simply stay top of mind. If you're putting out value added content and it's drawing a little bit of curiosity and people are starting to check out your stuff, as soon as they kind of get the feel for what it is that you are involved in, and the minute they have a need in that area, they're going to think of you first! You were the one who was a real human, and you interacted with them, and you talked with them and they know you, they trust you. So the minute they have a need for something you're offering, even if it's only kind of/sort of close, they're going to come to you because you've built that relationship with them already.


When you're messaging people through social media, the goal is not to make a sale. No, no. It's to get to know them and understand their pain points because chances are they have something that they're struggling with that maybe your product, or your company, or your service, or your coaching could help with!

If you're listening for those pain points and you're asking lots of questions to uncover what they might be, you can naturally think through…”Do I have anything that could help this person?” And if you don't, then you just don't mention business. But if you do, if you do have something that could help them in some way, eliminate some frustration, or get rid of some problem that they have……..if you've listened first and understood where they are, then you can offer it up!

Just say something like "Hey, you said you were really frustrated with _____. I happen to have a PDF guide/video/free training/website that might be helpful to you. Do you want to check it out?" Chances are they're going to say, "Yes," because number one, you've built trust with them. Number two, you're top of mind, and number three, you're actually solving a problem for them and they're going to be like, "Ah yeah, thanks. I totally need that."

You have to know what’s going on with them before you can know what to offer

But you have to come into the situation with a heart of service. You can't be all about trying to make a sale. It's about legitimately looking for if you can help them. They have a problem + you have the solution = you simply offer it up! "Would you want to take a look?" It really is just as easy as that, but the trick is that you have to listen first to see what's going on with them before you can know what to offer, so you can offer it in a really casual, authentic way.


The #1 Goal when you're messaging with people on social is to ultimately invite them to take the next step. Whether it's inviting them to check out a video, inviting them to check out a PDF guide, inviting them to a Facebook group or challenge group, or inviting them to your email list. The list of options goes on and on!

It just depends on where you're funneling traffic to at that time. And if you have already looked for their pain point and offered them a solution to that in a really relaxed, authentic way, chances are they're going to say, "Sure, we'll take a look." And so, now they're getting closer and closer and closer to your inner circle and they're getting more and more ripe and interested in whatever it is that you offer.

Instead of inviting them to BUY, invite them to take a look at something that makes them WANT to buy


So, that brings us to the number one mistake that people make when they're messaging with others on social media, and you may have guessed it from my cautions earlier. But the number one mistake people make is that they try to make a sale right from the message. If you are copying and pasting the same thing to everyone, it tells the algorithm that you might be spamming people. So don't do that, okay?

Sending copy and paste messages tells social algorithms that you are spamming people

If you haven't built trust with the person yet, and you haven't bothered to talk to them to see if they even have an issue in the area that you can help with, and suddenly you're jamming something down their throat or sending them a link that they didn't ask for……..It comes across as kind of spammy!

I mean, think about it this way. When you get junk mail, what makes it junk? The fact that it's something that showed up that you didn't ask for, right? You didn't ask someone to send you 52 coupons in the mail that filled up your whole mailbox. Kind of annoying, right?

Messages are the same way. If you're shoving information at them that they never asked for, they're going to view you as spammy and they're certainly not going to want to have more conversations with you. So now, you've just killed all of your chances by getting too eager.

The trick is really to embrace all four of those goals and never make that number one mistake or you're just dead in the water. So you made it to the end and congratulations. I know it can be hard to do when we all have ADD and we have a thousand places to be, but as promised, here's the overall summary of everything that a message should and shouldn't be used for.


For those of you who are wondering, but if I can't sell to people in messages, where do I do the selling?

I will attach a PDF guide that explains where to actually do the selling. It's going to give you a full overview of not just social posts but what to do in posts, what to do in messages, what to do in Facebook groups, what to do in challenge groups, what to do if you have an email list or sales funnels, webinars, etc. it breaks down every single step and it lets you know where to sale and where not to sell, where to build trust, where to build your brand, and more.