🧲 Live Video Attraction Marketing To Boost Followers, Engagement, And Income With Lindsay Sewell 💰


With most social media sites today allowing users to do a live video, attraction marketing is changed forever. But this is not just about releasing material in the vast internet space and waiting for people to consume it. Adrienne Hill talks with Lindsay Sewell about the most effective strategies in producing engaging live videos that yield tangible results. She explains the right approach in presenting your offers that will make your target market ask for more. Lindsay also discusses the huge help of online groups in providing targeted information to a specific audience, which helps in faster community building.

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🧲 Live Video Attraction Marketing To Boost Followers, Engagement, And Income With Lindsay Sewell 💰

Impactful Entrepreneur Show Guest Interview

You probably have red-hot leads hiding among your social media followers who are ready to buy and you don't even know it. In this episode, we are going to show you the proven way to get people in your social media followings raising their hands, coming to you, and practically begging to hear more about your offers within only two months of using a specific live video strategy. Let us do this.


I am super excited because I am here with Lindsay Sewell. She is an expert in all things attraction marketing and live video marketing. Welcome, Lindsay!

Thank you so much. I am so grateful to be here. This is going to be the full package. For somebody who wants to build a business on social media, you are in the right place. It is so nice to be here. Thank you, Adrienne, for organizing this and having me on.

You guys are going to love her. For those viewers who maybe have not met you yet, can you tell us a little bit about your story and background, and what brings you here with us?

I was a corporate management executive person for about ten years of my life. I worked in the railroad industry. I was not a social media marketer, but I had my second daughter. I was commuting about 3 hours a day and traveling about 3 weeks out of the month. I had missed so much of my first daughter's life. I was fortunate to have my parents around, but I was missing out on words, sending her off to her first days of preschool, and seeing her taking her steps and learn new things. I recognized that I didn't want to repeat that. I found home business and thought, "This is just going to be simple. Anybody can do this. I have 200 friends on Facebook and they are all going to want to buy things." It didn't work out like that.

I struggled. My business was bringing in only a couple of hundred dollars a month, and my expenses were even more. I was losing money, sinking into debt, and feeling like it was never going to make this work. I discovered attraction marketing and that was when everything changed. It was like a light bulb clicked. I started incorporating the exercises that would bring people to me instead of trying to chase people who had no interest in what I was doing. I started showing up on live video and building relationships with people all over the world on social media who I had never met before. I had no family and friends who wanted anything to do with my business when I got started. I had to build it all from scratch online.

Live Video: Don't spam people and assume that they immediately want what you have to offer. Take a little bit more time to know that.

Live Video: Don't spam people and assume that they immediately want what you have to offer. Take a little bit more time to know that.

That is not uncommon. If we are forced to rely on friends and family to build our businesses, we are going real broke fast. One thing that I hope is encouraging to the readers, almost every expert that we have talked to you have probably noticed now, started an in-home business. It was harder than they thought. They learned some skills and excelled. It can be that simple. Attraction marketing is a great skill to build. I am excited to dive into this. I can understand and appreciate when you are in that place, you are relying on those 200 friends and family, and it is not happening. You’ve got to find someone else. How do you find leads and prospects in the big wide world of social media? What do you do?

This is a great question because a lot of people say, "I have no one to talk to." The reality is, there are almost 3 billion people on Facebook. You have lots of people to talk to. Here is how you figure out exactly where those people are hanging out online for you. You need to get very clear on what problem it is you solve for people. I don't mean you sell supplements, shampoo or even coaching because I sell coaching now, but I don't sell coaching. I sell other people your dreams. If you are selling supplements, you are not selling supplements. You are helping people lose weight, have the body they want to have and the confidence back. When you figure out what problem you solve, now you can identify where those people are and figure out who already has your dream audience.

They are out there somewhere. You should know who they are and what they need.

Who are the leaders in the industry? Here is the thing. You have Google and YouTube. If you start googling or typing into YouTube the problems that you saw, challenges or struggles, what is going to pop up are the leaders that people are following. You go over to Facebook and find those people's pages, and your dream clients are hanging out there. Those big leaders can't serve all those people. You are thinking about the people getting millions of views on YouTube and have hundreds of thousands of people following their pages. There is a portion of them that are there for you. You can go over there, connect with them, and find them. My suggestion for Facebook is groups because there is a group now on Facebook for almost anything. If you type in the search bar, “Wellness over 50, Skincare over 40, or keto diets,” you are going to find plenty of groups that you can join and meet tons of new people to connect witsh.

There are a lot of people trying to find people, connect, and make those connections to have conversations at some point. What is the biggest mistake you see people making as they try to go through this process that our readers could avoid right from the beginning?

There are a couple of them. First of all, don't be the creepy used car salesman that meets somebody and immediate is like, "Can I get you into this?" I like to use real-world examples because people know them. If you meet someone online and immediately say to them, "It looks like I can help you lose some weight," you are the creepy used car salesman. You don't want to be spamming people and assuming that they immediately want what you have to offer before you at least take a little tiny bit of time to get to know them.

That doesn't mean that you build a rapport for 6 years, 6 months and you are invited to their wedding. That means that you spend a small amount of time asking people questions, getting to know them, and being interested in them. The second half of it is that you have your Facebook profile or business page, which is your digital storefront, stacked with information about why people want to follow and watch you and how you can help them. If they connect with you, you are making friends. They are going to go check you out. It is human nature.

Live Video: If you show more interest in knowing your market instead of forcing your products onto them, you will raise their curiosity and lower their resistance.

Live Video: If you show more interest in knowing your market instead of forcing your products onto them, you will raise their curiosity and lower their resistance.

They are going to secretly side-stalk you and be like, "Who is this person?"

This is the whole basis of attraction marketing. If they show up onto your profile or business page and they see all of this valuable information, then now you are not the creepy used car salesman. They start to go, "This might be someone who could help me." If you show more interest in getting to know them than you do, trying to force your products on them, you are going to raise their curiosity and lower their resistance. They are going to want to ask you about what you have to offer.

Doesn't it feel so much better when people are coming to you rather than you having to hunt them down?


I know a big part of what you do is live video. When the live video first came out, it was hot and every coach in the world was saying, "For the love, use live video." That was years ago now. Is live video still hot and effective? Is it still worth people getting brave enough to do?

Absolutely. It was some statistic I read that 80% of the information that we consume now is in the form of video. If you want to connect with people, you want to give them the information value and let them get to know you in the way that they want to consume information. We are always so busy and on the go, but if I can pop earbuds in my ear and listen to someone doing a video while I am washing dishes or picking up kids, it is going to be a lot easier for me to feel that I am getting to know that person than having to read something.

Imagine if this interview was typed out and you had to read it. That would not go so well.

Live Video: In this day and age, you need to be crystal clear with the value you will deliver. You can't just jump on and hope that people will tune in and love it.

Live Video: In this day and age, you need to be crystal clear with the value you will deliver. You can't just jump on and hope that people will tune in and love it.

It would take people forever to get through these because we are all trying to do 27 things at once, especially if you have another job or you have kids. You are always busy. Women are always on the go. You used to be able to jump on a Facebook Live. You didn't have to even provide any value, and you’ve got hundreds and thousands of views because Facebook was so interested in pushing that content out to everyone. What is important is that live video still builds that connection, trust, and authority with people. In this day and age, you need to be crystal clear with your videos on what kind of value you are going to deliver because you can't jump on, talk about the sandwich that you are making, and hope that people are going to tune in and love it.

Everyone knows live video can help. It helps to build that rapport. You get to see someone's face, hear their voice, and see their mannerisms. Those things matter, but there are still many people who avoid them. They are afraid. It is scary getting in front of a camera for certain people, especially introverts I know. What is the number one thing that you see holding people back from doing their lives? Is there a big thing that you could help our audience get past?

It is not your knowledge, value or expertise. It is your fear of being judged by other people. That is the number one thing. There are a couple of things that you need to know. First of all, they are judging you anyways. Whether you get on live video or not, human nature is that we figure out what our place is and how we fit in, but in reference to other people. You can't control that. What you can control is that you can impact and reach the person who needs to hear you, see you, and have you help solve their problems if you move past that fear of judgment and put yourself out there on camera because they are waiting for you.

The second thing is no matter how scared you are and how weird it feels for you, in other people's eyes, you instantly have more credibility and authority because you are doing something that so many people are afraid of. The third part to it is that when you are on camera, people are like, "All these people are watching me." I say to my coaching clients, "It is one person consuming you at a time. You are speaking to one person." When you get on there, imagine that it is your friend who needs your help. Speak to that one person because they are waiting for you to show up for them. It is your job to help them solve their problems and ease their pain.

The very thing that you know, the golden nugget you have inside of you, might be what someone else has been hoping and praying for and they are waiting for you to show up.

I will give you one more thing in case you are looking at me going, "That looks easy for you because here you are being interviewed on camera and you seem so comfortable." I still have the first live video I ever did from 2016. I cut it down and I have posted it on YouTube because it is painfully embarrassing. This is not natural. I built this comfort in front of the camera over four years I started. If you are like, "I am going to be uncomfortable and nervous," everybody is when they first do it, and that is 100% natural. You will gain confidence through doing it, being courageous, and pushing that button.

Here is a way that I paint it for people too. Let us say that you start weight training for the first time. You try to pick up the weights. You are super weak and you are like, "I am weak." Over time, you get stronger and soon, you are putting up some big weights. It is no different with any skill you learn, whether it is live video, attraction marketing, or being in control of your thoughts. You are always weak at first, but over repetition, you get stronger. Everything works that way, live video included.


Attraction Marketing Secrets: Attract a Never-Ending Flood of Buyers for Any Business Fast

Also, I found that people think about you way less than you think they do. They are thinking about everything else. They are thinking about their kid or their dog that puked on the carpet. They got to pick up groceries. They are not obsessively thinking about you. Chances are, the only time you are going to stick in their mind is when you said something that inspired them or made them feel like, "I don't have to suffer from this. I can solve this problem." You are going to stick in the good ways. Don't be afraid of live video. For those who are starting to feel brave and are ready to start doing videos, once you start doing consistent live videos, how long does it take to build up some momentum and start seeing engagement and results of more business-related conversations happening online or offline?

That is an interesting question because there is no set answer to that. Just like every person is different, everybody is offering different values. Your audiences and networks are all different. People are going to respond to you differently. You may have 200 friends on Facebook like I did when I got started, or you may have 2,500. That is going to impact the number of people that are likely to see you. I have a coaching client who did her first live video ever. She has got a home business, but she is also an accountant. She was talking about something in her zone of genius. It was related to taxes for home business owners. She got almost 300 views on her first video. The fear of success then takes over because she was like, "Now, all these people are watching me." I said, "That is a good thing."

For somebody else, your first video may get twelve views, but the importance is that if you are consistently showing up and you start to use a formula in your Facebook Lives that it generates curiosity because curiosity is the heart of attraction marketing. You want to get people curious about what you have. You want them talking and asking questions. You want to give them the opportunity to raise their hand and say, "I am ready to take the next step." When you put that formula into your videos consistently over time, you should, within a couple of months, start to generate consistent leads from every live video you are doing. Even if it was a couple of leads per video and you are doing that every week, but those are warm people who are attracted to what you have and want to know more, that is going to be a catalyst that completely transforms your business.

If people started this process now, by the time the holiday promotion period rolls around, their people are hot.

They could be using that live video to move people over to an email list, Facebook group, or somewhere where they can have even closer communication with them. When they do release their promotions, they have a list of warm, engaged people ready to buy.

I would imagine it is a different feeling doing a live video that is public on Facebook to everyone in the world, including strangers and your Aunt Bertha, who doesn't like you very much, versus in a small Facebook group where it is all your favorite people, and they love you. If people are getting brave and they are thinking, "I am going to do this. I am going to get consistent starting today, tomorrow, or next week," how often should they be doing Facebook Lives?

Some people tell you, you have to do them every day and some people tell you once a week is enough. My answer is you should do them as much as you can be consistent and deliver high-quality value. Consistency is even more important than if you are getting started and you are like, "I don't know if mine is super valuable yet." Chances are, you probably know more than you think you know because most people do.

The worst possible thing you can do is to do something like a fourteen-day challenge, go live every day, and then drop off the planet for six months. I see that. People get so exhausted. They are like, "I did fourteen days of live. I am done for now." Here is what you tell your audience, "You can't trust me enough to show up consistently for you." What do they think is going to happen when they buy from you, join your team, or want to get coaching from you? You are teaching them that you are not serious and committed to them.

I built my business. In the beginning, I did three times a week and it became too much for me. I took it down to one YouTube video a week and one Facebook Live. I have done that consistently now over the years. I get constant leads and make sales from those lives because people know I am going to show up for them every week. If that is all you can do right now, if you are like, "Once a week it is," then do it but commit to the same day and show up. I don't care if you are having a low-confidence day or if you are like, "I do not feel as energized now." They are waiting for you. That consistency is so important.

It is a perfect example for you. You said it had been one Facebook Live and one YouTube video and that is enough. Another thing I am super curious about what I would love to know. Would you advise using a different live video strategy between your page versus a group, your business page, or a fan page? What is that dynamic like?

Absolutely. When I first got started, I would do all my videos on my profile. I didn't have money to run ads. Remember, I told you I was losing money. I was like, "I am not going to do them on my business page. Nobody is over there and I can't put ads behind them." I would do my Facebook Lives on my profile and then I would share it with my group and over to my business page. Over time, I realized that if I wanted people in my group interested and attracted to what I had to offer, I needed to attract them into the group. I do better content inside my group. It is a privilege as a member of the community that you get access to deeper dive trainings, more detailed information, private masterclasses or special guest interviews. I will do more generic lives on my profile and invite people to my group.

You will do the generic content. You will say, "If you want a deeper dive into this, join us in the Facebook group. We are talking about it over there."

Here is a great example. If I am teaching somebody on social media and I want to explain to them the importance of setting up their profile correctly. My Facebook Live on my profile might be the three mistakes that you are making with your Facebook profile right now is sending your customers running away instead of attracting them. If you want to see where I did an in-depth audit of one of my client's profiles, and I pick apart everything that she is doing and give you real-life examples of how you can improve it, come and join me in my group because that video is in there.

All of this is in the heart of service to your audience. They are like, "I am going to get huge value here. I am going to go join that group."

Once they are inside that community, it is playing the social media game. You are collecting all these people who are maybe passing by on your timeline, and you are at the mercy of what Facebook is going to show those people. If I can bring them into my group, then they can go there and have access to that information very easily. It can be organized in units over there, and they can get special attention and more notification. I can serve them at a better level if they are inside the community. I want them, the ones who are attracted to that and who want to join me. I am always asking them to raise their hands. I don't send out invites to my whole friends list to invite them to a group. I am asking them, "Raise your hand if you want more."

That is what gets people coming to you. You are using live videos in a super powerful way. It is all built on this foundation of attraction marketing of creating that curiosity, giving that value, and letting people say, "I am in. I want this." I understand that you have a free gift for our audience. Do you want to tell us a little bit about it?

Yes, absolutely. I want you to be able to do this as well. A lot of times, when people hear attraction marketing, they have no idea what it means. It is a simple foundation. You need the right audience. You need to deliver valuable information, and then you need to get them to raise their hand. You need to have a call to action that doesn't feel like the used car salesman. I have an eBook that is all about attraction marketing, how to put it into use in your business, and how to use it on social media so that you will be generating people saying, "Talk to me, pick me or help me." It becomes fun to sell to them because, in that way, you are solving their problems.

It feels good to them because they are saying like, "I love this so much. I want more." It feels good to you because you are not chasing people around being like, "Buy my stuff."

I want you guys to have access to that book as my gift to you.

Thank you so much for offering that gift. It is hugely valuable to understand attraction marketing and pair that with video to have that superpower combo. There is no more powerful of a combo than attraction marketing meets video. Be sure to grab that free gift from Lindsay. Join us in the Facebook group, where we will debrief on everything we have learned. We will talk about what was surprising, inspiring, and encouraging. What actions are we going to take? How are we now going to start to implement these things? Who knows? You might make a new best friend or a power partner in a business you never knew until this episode. Thank you so much, Lindsay. I loved this. We will see you guys next time around.

Thank you for having me. I appreciate being here.

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About Lindsay Sewell

Lindsay Sewell.png

Lindsay Sewell is a social media marketing and mindset coach who helps ambitious entrepreneurs to stand out confidently online, create a personal brand, and uncover blocks to unlock their full potential and create a successful business.

A mom of two daughters herself, Lindsay started her journey into entrepreneurship in 2016 with a desire to leave the corporate world and create financial and time freedom for her family. After struggling for the first few years in her own online business, she discovered the power of leveraging Attraction Marketing online, and quickly turned the business from struggling to success.

She now runs a full-time coaching business from home, was a finalist on Ray Higdon’s “Play To Win” Reality Show, and has shared the stage with Ray Higdon, Jessica Higdon, Danelle Delgado, and Hank Norman. After watching so many women and moms struggle in their own small businesses, she launched her group coaching program in 2019 to help ambitious women close the gap between where they are and where they want to be in business and life.